Multidisciplinary Studies at WWU on the Peninsulas

Western Washington University offers a Multidisciplinary Studies degree at the Poulsbo campus of Olympic College and the Peninsula College in Port Angeles. This unique degree program allows each student to obtain a degree that is tailored to their learning interests and highly personalized advising. For those looking for a degree option that is less rigid in structure and allows for exploring current and potential interests, Multidisciplinary Studies is a great option. Students learn to be integrative thinkers who can see connections in seemingly disparate information, draw on a wide range of knowledge and skills to make decisions, and to communicate effectively with diverse audiences for a variety of purposes and in a variety of settings.


Multidisciplinary Studies, BA

The Multidisciplinary Studies program at Western Washington University on the Peninsulas is a 2+2 degree designed for students who have completed an associate's degree or WWU's transfer requirements. The program teaches students to be integrative thinkers who can see connections in seemingly disparate information, draw on a wide range of knowledge and skills to make decisions and communicate effectively with diverse audiences in a variety of settings.

Offered in Bremerton, Port Angeles, Poulsbo

What can I do with a degree in Multidisciplinary Studies?

Western’s Multidisciplinary Studies major provides a solid liberal arts education to prepare students for rapidly changing career opportunities in many different fields. Due to the nature of the degree and the many skills students learn from it, graduates of this degree can obtain a variety of different career opportunities spanning across various industries.


  • Manager
  • Marketing Assistant
  • Program Administrator
  • Program Coordinator
  • Sales
  • Project Manager

Admission Requirements

  • Associate's Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) or equivalent coursework to meet WWU's General University Requirements (GURs) 


  • 90 transferrable quarter credits 
  • 2.0 cumulative GPA 

Learn what community college courses are equivalent to WWU courses.

Take the Plunge

Planning for your degree program and career can bring questions - and we want to help answer them! 

Reach out for more information and connect with one of our WWU on the Peninsulas admissions counselors.

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